Criminal Defense Lawyer | DWI, Drug, Theft & Assault Charges

The List of Who Can See a Non-Disclosed Criminal Record in Texas

By Collin County Criminal Defense Lawyer Jeremy Rosenthal

(972) 369-0577

A non-disclosure can generally be described as “hiding” a criminal record from the public.  This means your record never really goes away.  Certain agencies and entities can always view your criminal record.

You can read about eligibility requirements here for a petition for non-disclosure.

Here is the list currently provided by the Texas Government Code 411.081(i) of agencies that can see non-disclosed criminal records.

Non-dislclosures should not be confused with expunctions which are generally a complete destruction of a criminal case on one’s record.  You can read about expunctions here.

*Jeremy Rosenthal is Board Certified in Criminal Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization and licensed by the Supreme Court of Texas. Nothing in this article is intended to be legal advice.  For legal advice about any situation you should contact an attorney directly.

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