Criminal Defense Lawyer | DWI, Drug, Theft & Assault Charges

Why We Defend Sex Crime Allegations

By Collin County Criminal Lawyer Jeremy Rosenthal

(972) 369-0577

We defend sex cases because injustice turns our stomachs.

Everyone feels the need to protect the innocent and vulnerable victims of sex crimes.  Who doesn’t feel like running through a wall to protect someone from such an atrocity?  But those strong emotions can easily go out of balance and out of whack and can ultimately blind us to the fundamental issue of whether the allegation is true to begin with.

Sex crime allegations have the possibility to be emotionally fueled rather than factually fueled more than practically any other crime – especially if a child is alleged to be the victim.  As a result it there is a potential for life-alterning unfairness.

Many sex crime allegations lack fundamental physical evidence you might see in a drug case, dwi case, or an assault case.  It makes sex cases harder to prove — and much, much harder to defend.  In addition, law enforcement are highly polished in how they present evidence and are able to spin neutral facts or facts in the accused favor against the accused.

Our clients and their families constantly ask us how or why law enforcement is so selective about the facts they choose to believe, why they are deaf to facts which contradict what they believe, and why they reject logic inconsistent with what they believe.  The answer is more simple than we’d like.  It isn’t because they’re bad people… It is because they’ve made up their mind.

Debating them about the facts can be like trying to convince someone they’re wrong about religion, politics or their favorite football team.  It’s not going to work often.  But the good news is we still live in America – and the police don’t get the ultimate decision on whether you or your loved one is guilty.

Fighting injustice to a jury is a hard thing to do.  It takes hard work, attention to detail, and mastering the facts better than your opponent.

*Jeremy Rosenthal is Board Certified in Criminal Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization and licensed by the Supreme Court of Texas. Nothing in this article should be considered legal advice.  For legal advice about any situation you should consult an attorney directly.

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