Criminal Defense Lawyer | DWI, Drug, Theft & Assault Charges

Bringing Medication With You on Vacation

By Criminal Defense Lawyer Jeremy Rosenthal

(972) 369-0577

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Disclaimer – I’m writing this blog as a public service, not because we handle or help coordinate this type of situation.  We would only get involved if you actually got arrested – and did so in Texas.  We’ve just gotten enough calls about this topic for me to throw up a blog about it.  Also, I’m licensed in Texas so I can tell you laws here but not elsewhere.

That said – possessing drugs without a perscription is typically a criminal offense.  Texas has an affirmative defense that if you have a prescription for the medication then it isn’t an offense.  So it would always seem safest to travel with the prescription bottle or container right there on the label.  I can’t imagine that isn’t the law everywhere in the U.S.

Don’t mix medications within one container, consolidate medications in one container, or take your medications in an unlabled baggie or container.  Those would all be recipes for getting hassled.  Bring only the amount you need or anticipate needing while budgeting for an emergency.

Here is a good article from the NY Times about traveling with medication.  Good luck and enjoy your safe travels!  If you have any additional questions then you should contact an attorney directly.

*Jeremy Rosenthal is Licensed in Texas and is Board Certified in Criminal Law.

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