Domestic Violence Charges – Blog 14: Common Prosecution Trial Tactics

December 26, 2020

By Criminal Defense Lawyer Jeremy Rosenthal

(972) 369-0577

In domestic violence trials, prosecutors know typically their case is only as strong as their complaining witness.

You can read other blogs about defending domestic violence charges and an index to the other blogs here.

Most family assault cases will have the prosecution calling to the witness stand the accuser, one or more police officers who were presumably on the scene, and increasingly expert witnesses who are often what we characterize as “blind.”

Exhibits will consist typically of photos taken the evening of the arrest of the complaining witness, the defendant and often of the place the altercation, if any, occurred if there is damage.  We also might see media in the form of 911 calls or body-cameras from police.


Because the accuser is the main witness – the prosecutor obviously attempts to show the jury as much evidence as they can which corroborate that witness’ account.  It could be physical injuries, cuts or scars.  It could also be physical evidence on the scene such as broken items or the location of other evidence or debris from an altercation.

Medical records exist in many cases but not all.  Obviously those are valuable pieces of evidence a to which a prosecutor will point if it fortifies their case.

Often times the corroboration might include statements the accused makes whether or not it is consistent with a true confession.

“The Cycle of Violence” and “Power and Control Wheel”

The cycle of violence and power and control wheel, which I’ve blogged about before, are central tenants of the Duluth Model and are loaded with assumptions and weaknesses.

The cycle is a theory which says domestic abuse goes through cyclical patterns which include assaultive abuse, a honeymoon phase, and then increasing tension followed again by assaultive abuse which is often worse than before.

The power and control wheel describes underlying motivations which include power and control by the abuser

These are generally incorporated into the prosecution’s case in AFV trials.  The prosecution attempts to fit aspects of the cycle and the wheel into the facts of the case.  Sometimes their evidence fits and sometimes it doesn’t.

True Story — I once had a prosecutor argue to a jury that when my client filed for divorce after she’d accused him of assault that it was because he was trying to control her.  I include it because it shows just how far the prosecution might reach and jam any fact they can into the “power and control wheel” whether it fits or not.  You would think filing for divorce would also be evidence of wanting to not be around another person at all (because they just had him falsely arrested for assault) and would be the complete opposite of trying to control them.

“Blind Lumper” Expert Witnesses

The “blind” expert is often a person who either works with law enforcement or as an advocate for domestic violence victims.  They are blind for the reason they usually don’t know any of the facts of a specific case until they hit the witness stand.  They are “lumpers” because academics tend to either “lump” everything into one-size fits all or they tend to “split” and show how one case differs from the rest.

They are then lobbed hypotheticals by the prosecution.  The unshackling result is the blind lumper witness then molds the hypothetical into how it fits the Duluth Model which shows, according to them, defendant is guilty.

*Jeremy Rosenthal is certified in criminal law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.  He is designated as a Super Lawyer by Thomson Reuters.

Illegal Searches are More Common Than You Might Think

December 11, 2020

By Collin County Criminal Defense Lawyer Jeremy Rosenthal

(972) 369-0577

One of the best weapons in defending many cases is the exclusionary rule.  That rule prevents illegally attained evidence from being used by the prosecution during trial.  The exclusionary rule is the citizens legal protection remedy from illegal police acts.

Isn’t it a Bit Much to Say the Police Acted Illegally?

Think of the word ‘illegal’ in terms of a penalty during a football game such as ‘illegal procedure.’  The word ‘illegal’ has a much lighter connotation when we know it’s just a 5 yard penalty for a player moving the wrong direction before the snap.

Calling a search or particular police action ‘illegal’ is really no different.  As the accused, you’re merely saying there was a foul committed without regard to wether it was intentional or severe.  But the rules are the rules and everyone has to play by them.

Motion to Suppress

A motion to suppress the evidence is a request for the judge to trigger the exclusionary rule and render the illegally attained evidence unusable.  The most common legal grounds are the 4th Amendment to the US Constitution prohibiting illegal search and seizure and Texas Code of Criminal Procedure Article 38.23.

Illegal Searches Can’t be Very Common, Right?

They’re more common than you think.  You have to remember civil rights cases from the 1960’s and 1970’s still have a large imprint on search and seizure law.  The courts are uncomfortable with traffic stops and/or searches based on little more than hunches because those were rightly exposed as profiling.  Though today’s police might also include teenagers or people who have an alternative appearance in addition to racial minorities – there isn’t much of a difference under the law.  Profiling is profiling.

Articulable Facts vs. Subjective Opinion

You also have to remember police in targeting certain groups are often aggressive in their approach.  Police need to be able to articulate the facts which justify traffic stops and continued roadside detentions.  As an example a police officer saying he stopped a car because “he just knew they were up to no good” isn’t going to fly.  It’s a hunch and courts don’t like that.

Closer examples might include thin and subjective reasoning for keeping someone detained at a routine traffic stop – nervousness, the time of day/ night, or even labeling the area of the stop as ‘high crime’ with little or no proof.  Courts have repeatedly said these types of justifications are akin to multiplying zeros when it comes to articulable facts.

Articulable facts, on the other hand, might include “the driver was going 58 in a 45.”  Or the driver smelled like alcohol, said he was on his way to Dallas but was driving the opposite way.

So where an officer can plainly, quickly, and obviously explain the probable cause – the better chance they have of keeping a detention legal.  The more they rely on opinion and conjecture – the more problems they might have explaining it later.

Again, police know they are fighting crime and doing great things by keeping drugs, guns, and drunk drivers off the streets.  They will often push and test the rules for reasons they think are justified.

The end result may be that often they have mis-stepped.

*Jeremy F. Rosenthal is certified in criminal law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.  He is recognized as a Texas Super Lawyer by Thomson Reuters.