How Can I Defend Someone If I Know They’re Guilty?

June 18, 2013

By Collin County Criminal Lawyer Jeremy Rosenthal

(972) 369-0577

If you practice criminal defense you are invariably asked questions by people who simply don’t understand what it is you do.  The questions don’t bother me.  We are all naturally programmed to think in terms of good and evil.  We all view ourselves on the side of good and can’t understand how anyone can cross the imaginary boundary we’ve established in our mind.

1.  How Can You Possibly Defend Someone You Know is Guilty?

When I defend a guilty person, I defend everyone.  If I can make it difficult for a guilty person to be treated unfairly then I’m making it extremely difficult for an innocent person to be treated unfairly.

Besides, not everyone is guilty.

2.  What This Person Did Was Awful.  How Can You Defend Him?

I don’t defend crime or criminal acts.  I defend human beings and their rights.

I defend people whose imperfection is making bad choices and/or hurting people from people whose imperfection is being judgmental.

Another fun way I respond to either of these questions is, “Well let’s just lop their hand off like they do in other parts of the world.”

That usually drives the point home.

*Jeremy Rosenthal is Board Certified in Criminal Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization and licensed by the Supreme Court of Texas. Nothing in this article is intended to be legal advice.  For legal advice about this or any other situation you should contact an attorney directly.

Will I Make the Police Mad if I Don’t Talk With Them?

February 11, 2012

By Collin County Criminal Defense Lawyer Jeremy Rosenthal

(972) 369-0577

Probably.  But you shouldn’t worry about their feelings.

Jails and prisons are full of people who gave statements to police when they were under investigation.

Exercising your 5th Amendment right to remain silent is perfectly legal and if your case ever came down to a trial, the jury would never be informed of the fact that you declined an interview based on an attorney’s advice.

Won’t the Police Drop the Case if they Think I’m Innocent? 

Of course that’s possible and I’m sure that happens.  But just as often the officer has already made up his mind and is only building his case against a suspect by bringing them in for an interview.

Police are not judges.  They do not get involved in disputes to hand the party they think should win a ribbon or prize when the investigation is over.  They investigate crime.  They do that by building a case element by element as defined by the Texas Penal Code.  Often the only way they can make their case is through a statement of the accused.

By declining an interview, a suspect may be denying the police the very ability to even go forward with an arrest warrant or possible criminal charges.  So if the police are upset that a suspect didn’t come in — that is obviously outweighed by the benefits of exercising 5th Amendment rights.

Can’t I Convince them I’m Innocent?

Good luck with that.  Most experienced criminal attorneys will tell you police often make-up their mind very early in an investigation.  People don’t change their mind once they’re made — and police are no different.

Here’s a common scenario I joke about:

Detective:  What happened?

Suspect:  We went into the party for a few minutes.  We didn’t really know anyone there so we left.  It was a bit awkward actually.  I’m not sure we even had a drink while we were there.

Police report conclusion — “Suspect admitted entering the house.”

See what you’re dealing with?

Won’t Things Be Better if I Take Responsibility if I did Make a Mistake?

Maybe yes and maybe no.  At the very least you should consult a lawyer to hear their thoughts about your case.  Your version of taking responsibility may be a heartfelt apology, restitution, and a promise to change your behavior.  The State of Texas’ version could be to send you to prison depending on the situation.  Having a lawyer in the mix could at least help you have some degree of control in the situation or even broker favorable terms if you made a mistake and feel strongly about cooperating with law enforcement.

In Federal cases, cooperation through your attorney can help substantially lower your exposure to criminal penalties.

*Jeremy Rosenthal is Board Certified in Criminal Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization and licensed by the Supreme Court of Texas. Nothing in this article is intended to be legal advice.  For legal advice about any situation you should contact an attorney directly.  Contacting the attorney through this forum does not create an attorney-client relationship.  Information given to attorney through this forum is not confidential or subject to the attorney-client privilege.

What is a Motion to Suppress?

December 28, 2011

By Collin County Criminal Defense Lawyer Jeremy Rosenthal

(972) 369-0577

A motion to suppress is a challenge to the legality of how evidence was attained.

In Texas and the United States we have what is known as the “exclusionary rule.”  This rule means where a court finds evidence was attained illegally – it cannot be used for any reason against the accused.  The exclusion (or suppression) of evidence often makes it impossible for the prosecution to prove one or more elements of the crime — which means they often lose the entire case based on a successful motion to suppress because they will fail to meet their burden of proof at trial.  Other times, a successful motion to suppress will exclude a damaging admission, confession or other piece of evidence which does not win a case for the defendant but makes the case much more difficult on the prosecution.

What Makes an Arrest or Search Illegal?

It depends on the situation.  In an automobile stop, the stop is normally bad where the driver didn’t commit any offense which allowed the officer to pull them over in the first place.  Searches in automobiles can also be bad where the officer searches a car or individual without consent or probable cause that some crime has been committed within his presence.

Home searches have extremely great protection.  Remember the constitutional basis for the 4th amendment in the first place was to prevent American soldiers from rummaging through people’s houses the same way the British had done prior to the revolution.

Search warrants can be held to be illegal if the application for the warrant was not done properly and fails to establish probable cause.

Also, if the State broke some other law in attaining evidence then the evidence can be suppressed as well.  A common example is where the State doesn’t follow protocol on a breath test or blood draw and can’t use the result at trial.

The situations where searches, arrests, or other types of evidence can be thrown out are countless.  Each is truly it’s own unique snowflake and this discussion barely scratches the surface of suppression.

Does This Mean the Police have Committed a Crime Against Me?

Not really.  It’s more like an ‘illegal procedure’ penalty in football.  It sounds worse than it actually is for the cop.  Most suppression cases arise because the officer was being (1) overly-aggressive; or (2) was just not thinking.

You have to remember a handful of things about police.  First is they profile and target certain people.  The good news is that it is rarely based on race — but it doesn’t make it a whole lot better.  Police tend to target, for example, teenagers/ younger adults, people driving beat-up cars, and frankly — people who look like thugs.

Second, society has glorified police acting on ‘hunches’ even though the law requires the opposite — that if the police are going to act they have to have specific articulable facts which justify their actions.  Not only does the law require there to be ‘articulable fact,’ but study after study shows that an officer’s ‘hunch’ is generally no more reliable than flipping a coin.

When you combine profiling of someone in a high-target group with an officer acting on ‘hunches’ instead of fact — you tend to get a situation ripe for a motion to suppress.

Examples of How a Motion to Suppress Works

The best way to demonstrate how a motion to suppress works is through practical examples.

Bad Stop Eliminates Entire Case:  

DWI arrest where blood draw ultimately shows defendant had o.15 blood alcohol concentration.  Officer stopped defendant for driving slowly, weaving within lane, and crossing solid white line.  Court held defendant committed no traffic violations because (1) weaving within one’s own lane is not a crime where no lane was crossed; (2) driving slowly does not constitute a crime in and of itself; and (3) Defendant’s car crossed solid white line exiting freeway in response to being pulled over.  The officer’s decision to stop had already been improperly made.

Result:  All facts attained from stop were suppressed.  Therefore State could not prove identity of driver or that driver was intoxicated.  Case dismissed by prosecution.

Bad Search Eliminates a Key Element

Marijuana case where police get a report of a ‘disturbance’ in the middle of the day at an intersection in a high crime neighborhood.  Nature of the ‘disturbance’ unknown but description of participants were given – and description was somewhat common.  Officer stops defendant several blocks away walking on a street (towards the area of the disturbance).  After a brief conversation, the officer begins a pat-down search of the defendant who admits he’s got marijuana in his pocket which is ultimately found.

Court held: (1) the report of a ‘disturbance’ too broad to allow a general search of all people matching the description in the vicinity for all purposes; (2) the encounter between the officer and the accused was originally voluntary but turned into a detention when the officer began to frisk Defendant without permission; (3) by the time Defendant admitted to the drugs, the illegal detention without probable cause had already commenced — therefore the admission and the marijuana themselves were not admissible.

Result:  Not Guilty verdict because no evidence defendant was in possession of marijuana (the corpus dilecti of the crime).

Bad Search Warrant Eliminates Blood Result

Defendant arrested for DWI after car accident.  Officer’s conduct field sobriety tests and determine defendant was intoxicated.  Officers apply for search warrant from a judge on call.  Judge grants the search warrant and the defendant is shown to have a blood alcohol concentration of 0.17 at the time of testing.  Court held that search warrant failed to contain the time of driving and as such, the warrant was insufficient to demonstrate that evidence of a crime would be present in defendant’s blood specimen.

Result:  Defendant stood trial, however, state barred from showing or referring to blood draw or blood result.

In Summary

Motions to suppress are hard to understand.  They can be an over-looked and efficient way to defend cases of all types.  Hopefully after this discussion today you have a bit more understanding.

*Jeremy Rosenthal is Board Certified in Criminal Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization and licensed by the Supreme Court of Texas. Nothing in this article is intended to be legal advice.  Legal advice about any topic should be discussed directly with an attorney.  Contacting the attorney through this forum does not create an attorney-client relationship.  Communications sent through this forum are not confidential.

Computer Crimes – The Prosecutor Must ‘Put the Defendant’s Fingers on the Keyboard’

December 9, 2011

By Dallas and Collin County Criminal Lawyer Jeremy Rosenthal

(972) 562-7549

Every legislative session comes with new cyber laws altogether or new tweaks on existing laws.  Common online crimes are online harassment, online impersonation, unauthorized computer access and sex crimes such as online solicitation.

The biggest challenge for the prosecutor is to ‘put the Defendant’s fingers on the keyboard.’  In other words, the prosecutor must show that the computer crime, if any, was committed by the Defendant and not someone else on the same computer.  Though police may be able to track online activity to a particular Facebook or Yahoo account and can pin-point it to a particular IP address doesn’t mean they’ve made their case.  They must also eliminate other suspects under the same roof which can be difficult.  Remember too that the prosecution bears the burden of proof beyond all reasonable doubt and the burden never shifts to the defense.

This is where the advocacy of a skilled criminal defense lawyer can help with these types of charges.  Often police and prosecutors will quit on a case once they’ve narrowed the evidence down to a particular IP address if someone lives there with a motive to commit the crime.  In trial, though, the jury must be made to understand the importance of eliminating all other suspects — and thus eliminating all reasonable doubt.

Compare an online case with a case with biological evidence such as DNA.  In a case with a DNA match, the prosecutor can tell the jury that the DNA eliminates every other possible suspect in the state of Texas, the United States, or North America.  On a computer case, the prosecution can’t even eliminate other suspects living in the same house.

The prosecutor must “put the defendant’s fingers on the keyboard.”  Don’t let the jury allow them to get away with any less!

*Jeremy Rosenthal is Board Certified in Criminal Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization and licensed by the Supreme Court of Texas. Nothing in this article is intended to be legal advice.  For legal advice about any issue you should contact an attorney directly.  Contacting the attorney through this blog does not create an attorney-client privilege and communications to the attorney through this blog are not confidential.

Insurance Fraud

November 17, 2011

By Dallas and Collin County Criminal Defense Lawyer Jeremy Rosenthal

(972) 369-0577

Insurance fraud is governed by Chapter 35 of the Texas Penal Code.  It can be summed up as lying to an insurance company to attain benefits and/or coverage, but you should read the statute to clear up any questions you may have.

The statute makes several types of insurance fraud illegal.  To be guilty of insurance fraud, one must intentionally or knowingly present false or misleading material information to the insurance company.  An example of this might be that someone reports a car accident occurred — which never actually occurred to get insurance money.

Another way the crime is committed is to have instead the person who prepares or causes  to be prepared the insurance claim be accountable for any fraudulent statements.  An example of this is where someone goes to the dentist to have their teeth cleaned.  Unknown to the patient, the dentist has his administrative assistant bill the insurance company for a root canal.  In that instance, the dentist and his assistant are both likely guilty of the insurance fraud though the assistant might be shown more leniency.  The patient would have no liability assuming they didn’t know about the scheme.

Yet another way the crime can be committed is when someone with intent to defraud or deceive receives a benefit  from an insurance policy they know is the result of fraud.  A good example of this would be where a plumber and a homeowner decide to split the money for a bogus insurance claim where the plumber unclogged a toilet and the homeowner and he have a handshake deal where they submit it as a busted pipe which destroyed the bottom floor of a house.

Now, if you ask the insurance company — virtually everything someone tells them about a claim they don’t want to pay is “fraud.”  And, they’ll have the public think that despite raking in oodles of premiums and having one of out stoutest lobbies in Austin, insurance fraud is a wide-spread epidemic and that they, the insurance companies, are somehow victims.  Please contain your laughter.  The vast majority of insurance issues that get hashed out in court are done in civil, not criminal disputes.

Chapter 35 contains a lot of language which shows the degree of deceit has to be somewhat steep in order to trigger a crime because insurance claims are inherently subjective and the subject of bitter disputes.  For example, there must be showing of intent to deceive as well as the ‘materialty’ or importance of the false statement to the over-all claim.  Though some may disagree, blaming the other driver for the car accident probably isn’t going to land you in hot water for criminal insurance fraud assuming you have a good-faith belief for making such a claim.

Truthfully, insurance fraud prosecutions are somewhat rare.  But they are serious charges.  The charges can range from misdemeanors to felonies based on the dollar amount of the alleged fraud, and the charges would almost certainly qualify a crimes of moral turpitude which impair professional licensing and carry a terrible stigma.

*Jeremy Rosenthal is Board Certified in Criminal Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization and licensed by the Supreme Court of Texas. Nothing in this article is intended to be legal advice. For legal advice about any situation you should contact an attorney directly.  Contacting the author through this blog does not constitute an attorney-client relationship and such communications are not subject to the attorney-client privilege.