Will a DWI Ruin My Life?

January 6, 2021

By McKinney Criminal Defense Lawyer Jeremy Rosenthal

(972) 369-0577


Driving while intoxicated convictions are very intensive with consequences that are far ranging.  Most of the consequences are what lawyers and courts refer to as “direct” consequences.  This means we know what those consequences are and we can see them coming.

Indirect consequences are much more difficult to calculate.  An example of a direct consequence of a drunk driving conviction is the potential for probation or an interlock device on a car.  The law requires it.

An indirect consequence, on the other hand, is what will your boss think.  That’s the hard part to know.

Common Direct Consequences of a DWI Conviction

The punishment for a Driving While Intoxicated Offense in Texas is This:

  • Up to 2 years probation for misdemeanors (DWI 1st or 2nd);
  • Up to 180 days jail for DWI 1st with blood alcohol under (BAC) 0.15;
  • Up to 1 year of jail for DWI 1st with BAC 0.15 or greater;
  • Up to 1 year of jail for DWI 2nd;

Other requirements for DWI probation (direct consequences) are the inability to terminate probation early, the requirement for interlock devices for DWI 2nd or more or if the BAC is greater than 0.15.  There is a new “superfine” the legislature requires if a person is sentenced to jail on a driving under the influence case of $6,000.

Indirect Consequences Which Can Be Harmful to a Career

There are certain professions where a DWI affects you and some where they don’t.  If you drive a school bus then a DWI is bad news.  If you are law enforcement or a first responder, then again – it will cause you problems.  Pilots obviously have major headaches with DWI arrests with the Federal Aviation Administration (“FAA”).

But what if you’re a doctor or a registered nurse?  You could have licensing issues because the boards which regulate physicians and/or nurses in Austin will want to make sure there aren’t underlying substance issues.

There are some professions which simply don’t have much of an intersection with DWI arrests.  If you are a CPA, a hairdresser, or even an attorney – a misdemeanor DWI shouldn’t do you much professional harm.

But remember a criminal conviction is permission for someone to discriminate.  Is it possible you could lose a job working at a bank because of a DWI arrest or conviction?  I would hope not – but if your boss was a victim of a drunk driver then potentially it could happen.

*Jeremy Rosenthal is certified in criminal law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.  He is recognized as a Texas Super Lawyer by Thomson Reuters.


Sexual Abuse Charges – Blog 7: The Confrontation Clause

November 28, 2020

By Collin County Criminal Defense Lawyer Jeremy Rosenthal


(972) 369-0577

I’m continuing my series of blogs today on sexual abuse charges.  I’ve broken down the categories into three:  the technical or legal components, the subjective nature of the evidence, and finally the advocacy related topics from the defense perspective.

Today I’m talking about the importance of the confrontation clause under the sixth amendment of the US Constitution to sexual abuse charges which is a common denominator in any sexual molestation charge.

What is the Confrontation Clause?

Your right to confront means the right to cross examine your accusers in open court.

I’m continually amazed by the depth of human intuition and understanding of the framers of our constitution.  Even back in 1789 they seemed to know not just the mob mentality of “the good guys” who prosecute or bring charges – but also some of the mental laziness which comes along with it.  What I mean is asking an accuser “what happened…” followed then by “and then what happened…” and “what happened after that…” doesn’t necessarily get you to the truth.

Cross examination allows the questioner to ask pointed, leading questions to state’s witnesses – questions the accused or witnesses from the state may not want to answer yet are required to do so.

One of my favorite quotes about cross examination:

Cross-examination is beyond any doubt the greatest legal engine ever invented for the discovery of truth … Cross-examination, not trial by jury, is the great and permanent contribution of the Anglo-American system of law to improved methods of trial-procedure.

– John Henry Wigmore

How Does the Right to Confront Impact Sexual Abuse Cases?

Your right to confront means the accuser likely has to testify in almost any case.  There are several rules in place in particular for cases involving child-witnesses.

  • The Testimony Has to Be Live

Courts have been clear:  the right to confront means the right to confront before a jury.  In fact, many of the opinions involving child sexual abuse cases where the prosecution has wanted to have a child testify via closed-circuit television are now particularly applicable as authority during the COVID-19 crisis.  Legally the consensus is a “Zoom” or virtual trial would violate these precedents set by child sexual abuse cases.

  • Outcry Laws

The prosecution is allowed to call witnesses known as “outcry” witnesses.  An outcry witness is any person over 18 years old who was the first adult to hear of the sexual abuse claim from a child.  Courts have construed outcry as a “process” so it’s not uncommon to have several outcry witnesses – some of whom are law enforcement interviewers – all come and testify in an effort to fortify the child’s claim.

An outcry witness can even contradict a child in cases where a child recants an outcry.

One important concept about an outcry witness is they can never replace a child witness altogether.  If the child witness does not or otherwise cannot legally testify – neither can the outcry witness.

  • A Child Witness Must be Competent to Testify

All witnesses have to be “legally competent” to testify.  Texas Rule of Evidence 601(a)(2) deals with children and the judge can examine them to see if they have “sufficient intellect” to testify concerning the matters at issue.  If the court determines the child does not have the ability to testify – then again – they are “unavailable” for confrontation rules and the outcry witnesses cannot replace them.

When is it Not Necessary for a Child Witness to Testify During a Sexual Abuse Case?

The prosecution is tasked with proving each element of a case beyond a reasonable doubt to the finder of fact (either a judge or a jury).  It would not be necessary for a child to testify where the elements of the case can be established through other witnesses with first-hand knowledge of the events – typically eye witnesses but also potentially medical experts if there is sufficient medical evidence in any particular case.

*Jeremy Rosenthal is certified in criminal law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.  He is recognized as a Texas Super Lawyer by Thomson Reuters.

How Can I Defend Someone If I Know They’re Guilty?

June 18, 2013

By Collin County Criminal Lawyer Jeremy Rosenthal

(972) 369-0577

If you practice criminal defense you are invariably asked questions by people who simply don’t understand what it is you do.  The questions don’t bother me.  We are all naturally programmed to think in terms of good and evil.  We all view ourselves on the side of good and can’t understand how anyone can cross the imaginary boundary we’ve established in our mind.

1.  How Can You Possibly Defend Someone You Know is Guilty?

When I defend a guilty person, I defend everyone.  If I can make it difficult for a guilty person to be treated unfairly then I’m making it extremely difficult for an innocent person to be treated unfairly.

Besides, not everyone is guilty.

2.  What This Person Did Was Awful.  How Can You Defend Him?

I don’t defend crime or criminal acts.  I defend human beings and their rights.

I defend people whose imperfection is making bad choices and/or hurting people from people whose imperfection is being judgmental.

Another fun way I respond to either of these questions is, “Well let’s just lop their hand off like they do in other parts of the world.”

That usually drives the point home.

*Jeremy Rosenthal is Board Certified in Criminal Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization and licensed by the Supreme Court of Texas. Nothing in this article is intended to be legal advice.  For legal advice about this or any other situation you should contact an attorney directly.

The Biggest Problem with Portable Breath Testing Devices

January 24, 2013

By Collin County Criminal Lawyer Jeremy Rosenthal


(972) 369-0577

Breath Test Devices in General

In DWI prosecution and defense there are several occasions where a person may give an optional or sometimes mandatory breath specimen.  Obviously at the arrest, a person is given the opportunity to provide a breath specimen.  After the arrest either while on bond or if after conviction — people are often required to submit to testing to start their car or carry a device which tests them periodically.

Only one machine in Texas is currently used and admissible to show a blood alcohol concentration (BAC).  This is the Intoxylizer 5000 which is almost always located at the police station in a special room where DWI arrestees are taken and read statutory warnings.  Any other testing device used in Texas is currently not considered scientifically accurate enough to do anything other than indicate the mere presence of alcohol in one’s system — yet those devices still report a numerical reading.

Other testing devices come in forms such as interlock ignition device (deep lung device or “DLD” for short), portable breath test devices carried by police officers for quick field tests (“PBT”) and portable devices carried around by someone on bond or probation and attached through a smart-phone like connection which requires breath samples throughout the day and reports the results to a probation officer.

Portable Breath Test Devices

Today’s discussion isn’t about the intoxylizer machine but about the other three devices which for today’s purposes I’ll just refer to as PBT technology.  This is because the ladder three devices discussed above operate on what is known as “fuel cell” technology.  Fuel cell technology is highly complex but what is important is (as companies who make and sell services for these devices will readily admit) is these devices are simply not very accurate and extremely susceptible to false-positives.

Common Flaws of PBT Devices

For starters, at least one company claims the accuracy of their device to have a 0.05 margin of error.  In other words, someone who blows a 0.08 might be as high as a 0.13 or as low as a 0.03.  This is the difference between being highly intoxicated and having one glass of wine for some.

The company asks people to wait at least 20 minutes to blow after eating, drinking, or smoking.  The company admits cologne, perfume, hand sanitizer, and toothpaste can result in false positives.  Users are warned not to wear sunglasses or take the test any place where large amounts of alcohol are being consumed.

Courts are admonished by the providing companies the company itself “does not warrant the veracity of readings as evidence.”

The Biggest Problem With Portable Breath Test Devices

The biggest problem isn’t the inaccuracy or fallibility of the testing.  The companies providing these services are honest in telling us what their devices can and can’t do.  The problem is probation officers and courts who treat these device readings as the gospel and mock victims of the short-comings of the technology.

Many probation officers use deliberate and careful discretion in evaluating the results of some of these devices — but unfortunately — some do not.

One thing you learn quickly as a criminal defense attorney is how almost impossible it is to prove a negative.  Failing a PBT test puts you in this position with some evaluators who don’t believe these machines are fallible.  There is virtually no explanation you can give in your defense a probation officer can’t accuse you (or someone testifying on your behalf) of lying about.

What you can do is show how fallible the device might be.  But this assumes the listener has an open mind.  This is the biggest problem with portable breath test devices.

Users are instructed to re-attempt a sample after 10, 20 or 30 minutes to show the first result was a false positive — or if the machine is completely on the fritz — to go to a 3rd party testing agency to prove you haven’t been drinking… Here’s hoping your not in a job interview, the Mojave Desert, or on an airplane!

In Closing

One last admonition from a service provider instructs a person in the event of repeated false positives to have themselves tested by a third party — I’m guessing like an independent test lab.  If that doesn’t get done, good luck telling your probation officer you were in the middle of a job interview, important meeting, or driving through the dessert.  They can see right through those excuses.

*Jeremy Rosenthal is Board Certified in Criminal Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization and licensed by the Supreme Court of Texas. Nothing in this article is intended to be legal advice.  For legal advice about any other situation, you should contact an attorney directly.

The Top 5 Things You Should Do When Stopped for DWI

December 29, 2012

By Collin County Criminal Defense Attorney Jeremy Rosenthal


(972) 369-0577

Texas DWI arrests are like snowflakes in each and every case I’ve seen is unique.  Different police officers think differently from one another and there is no one-right way to “get out” of a DWI arrest.  Being cooperative and giving detailed explanations may work with some officers yet others will actually turn your helpful nature against you.  Having seen hundreds of cases,  I can tell you what normally helps and what usually makes things worse.

Here are the top 5 things you should do when being stopped or investigated for DWI.

5.  Be Friendly and Courteous to the Officer (Remember, You’re On Camera!)

A DWI trial is a rare case where the juror actually identifies with the defendant as much or more than the officer.  Jurors, therefore, subconsciously wonder how they would act towards the police in your situation.  The vast majority of jurors see themselves as being polite, friendly and cooperate regardless of how difficult the officer is being or what he asks the person to do.  If you are a jerk or are mean to the officer, not only are you almost certain to be arrested, but the jury will dislike you as well.

4.  Know Your Rights and Exercise them Wisely

You have the right to remain silent and you also have a right to refuse any of the field sobriety tests offered in the field. If you remain silent immediately after being pulled over, though, you’re daring the police officer to arrest you (and I promise he or she will find a reason).  If you refuse the field sobriety tests, your refusal of the tests is not considered “testimonial” in nature and therefore the jury will know you refused the tests.  Again, you run the risk of turning yourself into the bad guy before the jury.

If you’ve been arrested and mirandized then you should absolutely exercise your right to remain silent.  They think you’re guilty and they’ll spin anything you say into confessions of guilt.  Also remember you’re probably being taped the entire time. Don’t initiate conversations with the police in the station or in the police car.

3.  If You Do The Standardized Field Sobriety Tests

There are three field sobriety tests in a standard battery created by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (“NHTSA”).  The three tests are the horizontal gaze nystagmus (“HGN”), the walk and turn, and the one-leg stand.  Rather than geek-out on the details of the tests and studies which validate tests which are conducted and graded correctly by the police, I’ll tell you a handful of truths about the tests.

First is if you get arrested — you can be positive the officer will say you failed the tests no matter how well you think you may have done.  This is because officers — even well meaning ones — are biased graders.  If they think you’re drunk when they first pull you over, you can be sure they’ll nit-pick your performance and find just enough fault to justify your arrest.  It’s not dishonesty, it’s being human.

Second — and most importantly — jurors see the field sobriety tests as potentially unfair.  Again, they tend to see themselves in your shoes on the side of the road.  They know it’s an intimidating environment and they also wonder if they could do the tests themselves.  The HGN is a neurological eye test performed and explained by a person who directs traffic when needed… jurors have a hard time understanding or believing HGN.  As for the other two tests, jurors understand knee, back or weight issues make the tests hard… let alone doing the test with whizzing cars, flashing lights, or gusty winds acting as nuisances.

If you take the tests — you should be sure to tell the officer any medical or physical issues you might have which could affect the test.  This could be knee issues, head injuries, back problems, broken bones etc. etc. etc…  You can be assured the officer will let your medical problems go in one ear and out the other — but the jury will get to hear the problem and they will listen.

2.  Be Skeptical of Representations the Police Officer Makes

My experience is police tend to make up their minds very quickly in DWI arrests then focus on substantiating their conclusion.  Police, though, will never admit this and are trained to manipulate you into cooperating by taking additional test and answering additional questions.

Listen to police with skepticism.  Though they could be sincere in wanting to cut you loose or let you call a friend — it’s just as likely they’ve got their fingers crossed behind their back.

“I just want to see if you’re okay to drive,” sounds to the listener like “I’m thinking of letting you go if you do okay on the test” but it isn’t.  Also statements like “honesty goes a long way with me” or “I can’t help you if you don’t tell me whats going on” sound like the officers decision could go either way… but it’s possible the officer has already called the tow-truck.

1.  Don’t Take the Breath Test

Texas Transportation Code Section 724.013 gives a person a right to refuse the breath test.  The police may try to pursue a warrant for your blood, but this isn’t a certainty and they may not do the application properly.

The Intoxylizer 5000 is the current machine used by the State of Texas.  Though I won’t geek out on it in today’s blog, I can tell you the concern of most experts I’ve worked with is it is simply too general.  A person who blows a 0.12 might actually be as low as a 0.05 at the time of driving or as high as a 0.17.

Additionally, jurors tend to understand refusing the breath test even though they might submit themselves.  They’ve head enough horror stories and they honestly don’t know how much alcohol consumption it takes to get them to a 0.08 either.

*Jeremy Rosenthal is Board Certified in Criminal Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization and licensed by the Supreme Court of Texas. Nothing in this article is intended to be legal advice.  For legal advice about any specific situation you should contact an attorney directly.