Domestic Violence Charges – Blog 15:  Affidavits of Non-Prosecution and What Happens with the “Victim” Doesn’t Want the Case Prosecuted?

December 27, 2020

By Criminal Defense Lawyer Jeremy Rosenthal

(972) 369-0577

This most common question I get in domestic violence cases is this:  if the victim doesn’t want to prosecute then won’t the case go away?

The answer is the “victim” or “complaining witness” has the legal power of a witness in a criminal proceeding and nothing more.  The prosecuting attorney makes the decision whether to go forward with a family violence charge.  Will the prosecuting attorney go along with the “victim’s” request to dismiss charges?  This is the million-dollar question which is different in every case.

Some District or County Attorney Offices are policy-driven to reject affidavits of non-prosecution and others take them on a case by case basis and will occasionally not pursue assault charges.

District Attorneys, County Attorneys and occasionally city prosecutors who review assault cases and affidavits of non-prosecution are public servants.  In theory, you would think they would be sensitive to pleasing the person they purport to protect.  Again, sometimes they do listen to victims of domestic abuse and sometimes they don’t.

Here is an index to the other blogs on domestic violence in this series.

Affidavits of Non-Prosecution

An affidavit of non-prosecution (“ANP”) is a statement made, typically under oath, where the complaining witness makes a statement to the effect they do not wish the case to proceed.  An ANP has no real legal power and it’s a very common misconception that it does carry with it a requirement the police or prosecutors obey it.

Why Police or Prosecutors Might Not Care About an Affidavit of Non-Prosecution?

I’ve blogged a lot about the Duluth Model in domestic violence and the “cycle of violence” along with the “power and control wheel.”  Those prevailing thoughts in law enforcement hold the abuser is all-powerful and has taken emotional control over the victim.

When many police and/or prosecutors see an ANP from a victim – it only confirms to them these concepts and theories are true.  They think the affidavit of non-prosecution is either forced, coerced, or done out of self-blaming guilt.  I’m sure sometimes they are right.

Also, as I wrote above, some offices are driven by policy of rejecting affidavit’s of non-prosecution.  They may feel self-assured enough that each and every case of domestic abuse allegations are the same — or they may simply be under pressure from third party advocacy groups such as battered women shelters to have such a policy.

What Happens when the Prosecution Makes one Spouse Testify Against the Other Against Their Will?

This happens.  I’m frequently asked if one spouse can lawfully refuse to testify against the other and the answer is no – assuming that spouse has been lawfully subpoenaed.

The prosecution can cause a subpoena to be issued which is a lawful court order requiring the witness in the case to come to court and testify under oath.  A judge can also compel a witness to testify and answer questions about instances of alleged domestic violence because the marital privilege does not extend to protect one spouse from testifying about the other accused of a crime.

It’s an unusual dynamic because the prosecution is put in a position of cross-examining their own “victim” in a case and in certain cases the complaining witness themselves may be entitled to counsel depending on the specifics of the situation.  You would think a prosecutor would do everything in their power to avoid being in this position but many prosecutors feel they are fulfilling a greater good by conducting a case this way.

The Firewall – The Jury

The good news is if all these things come to pass with the prosecution rejecting an ANP, forcing the case to trial and compelling one spouse to testify against the other — the defendant has the firewall or last resort of having a jury decide the case.

Juries aren’t subject to the DA’s offices policies and they have to be convinced the prosecutors crusade to convict one spouse over the other ones wishes is meritorious — and experience tells me that’s a very hard sell.

Even if the prosecutor doesn’t want to dismiss a case because a complaining witness says so — doesn’t mean the case doesn’t often finish with a two-word “not guilty” verdict.

*Jeremy Rosenthal is certified in criminal law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.  He is recognized as a Super Lawyer by Thomson Reuters.


Domestic Violence Charges – Blog 14: Common Prosecution Trial Tactics

December 26, 2020

By Criminal Defense Lawyer Jeremy Rosenthal

(972) 369-0577

In domestic violence trials, prosecutors know typically their case is only as strong as their complaining witness.

You can read other blogs about defending domestic violence charges and an index to the other blogs here.

Most family assault cases will have the prosecution calling to the witness stand the accuser, one or more police officers who were presumably on the scene, and increasingly expert witnesses who are often what we characterize as “blind.”

Exhibits will consist typically of photos taken the evening of the arrest of the complaining witness, the defendant and often of the place the altercation, if any, occurred if there is damage.  We also might see media in the form of 911 calls or body-cameras from police.


Because the accuser is the main witness – the prosecutor obviously attempts to show the jury as much evidence as they can which corroborate that witness’ account.  It could be physical injuries, cuts or scars.  It could also be physical evidence on the scene such as broken items or the location of other evidence or debris from an altercation.

Medical records exist in many cases but not all.  Obviously those are valuable pieces of evidence a to which a prosecutor will point if it fortifies their case.

Often times the corroboration might include statements the accused makes whether or not it is consistent with a true confession.

“The Cycle of Violence” and “Power and Control Wheel”

The cycle of violence and power and control wheel, which I’ve blogged about before, are central tenants of the Duluth Model and are loaded with assumptions and weaknesses.

The cycle is a theory which says domestic abuse goes through cyclical patterns which include assaultive abuse, a honeymoon phase, and then increasing tension followed again by assaultive abuse which is often worse than before.

The power and control wheel describes underlying motivations which include power and control by the abuser

These are generally incorporated into the prosecution’s case in AFV trials.  The prosecution attempts to fit aspects of the cycle and the wheel into the facts of the case.  Sometimes their evidence fits and sometimes it doesn’t.

True Story — I once had a prosecutor argue to a jury that when my client filed for divorce after she’d accused him of assault that it was because he was trying to control her.  I include it because it shows just how far the prosecution might reach and jam any fact they can into the “power and control wheel” whether it fits or not.  You would think filing for divorce would also be evidence of wanting to not be around another person at all (because they just had him falsely arrested for assault) and would be the complete opposite of trying to control them.

“Blind Lumper” Expert Witnesses

The “blind” expert is often a person who either works with law enforcement or as an advocate for domestic violence victims.  They are blind for the reason they usually don’t know any of the facts of a specific case until they hit the witness stand.  They are “lumpers” because academics tend to either “lump” everything into one-size fits all or they tend to “split” and show how one case differs from the rest.

They are then lobbed hypotheticals by the prosecution.  The unshackling result is the blind lumper witness then molds the hypothetical into how it fits the Duluth Model which shows, according to them, defendant is guilty.

*Jeremy Rosenthal is certified in criminal law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.  He is designated as a Super Lawyer by Thomson Reuters.

Podcast – Appellate Guru Kyle Therrian

December 25, 2020

By Criminal Defense Lawyer Jeremy Rosenthal

(972) 369-0577

Here is a recent podcast with Texas Criminal Defense Lawyer Significant Decision’s Reports publisher — Appellate lawyer Kyle Therrian.

Enjoy!  Or don’t enjoy.  But watch or listen.

*Jeremy Rosenthal is certified in criminal law by the Texas Board of legal specialization.  He is recognized as a super Lawyer by Thomson Reuters.

Domestic Violence Charges – Blog 13: The Duluth Model and Reciprocal Intimate Partner Violence

December 24, 2020

By Criminal Defense Lawyer Jeremy Rosenthal

(972) 369-0577

“The Duluth Model” is the current prevailing theory of domestic violence by law enforcement in the United States.

Its origins are from Duluth, Minnesota and was based on a treatment program run by Ellen Pence, a self proclaimed activist.

The “Cycle of Violence”, “Power and Control Wheel”, and “Batterers Intervention Program” are some of the staples of the Duluth Model in action.

You can read other blogs and the index to my continuing series on defending domestic violence cases here.

The Cycle of Violence

The Cycle of Violence was developed by Lenore Walker in 1979 based on 120 battered women.  She believed in three phases:

  • Tension Building Phase
  • Acute Explosive Phase
  • Honeymoon Phase

Her theory is an abuser causes the relationship to build tension which makes the victim  “walk on eggshells.”  The acute explosive phase is where the violence and abuse occurs and after this there is a honeymoon phase where the abuser apologizes, promises change, and goes out of their way to re-attract their mate.  This of course gives way again to another tension building phase and so on according “the cycle.”

Assumptions the “Cycle of Violence Makes”

It Assumes Domestic Abuse Within a Relationship is Unilateral

The cycle of violence assumes the abuse is unilateral and not reciprocal.  But studies have shown alarming rates of “Reciprocal Intimate Partner Violence” whereby both intimate partners at times are aggressors and at other times are victims.

It Presumes Guilt

The “Cycle of Violence” seems to have been created as a tool for treatment and therapy – not for the diagnosis of domestic violence.  When using it to attempt to prove guilt – it actually presumes guilt as an underlying assumption.

If you replace the very top assumption with its opposite – Defendant is innocent – then absolutely none of the other phases make logical sense.  But this diagram shows how the echo-chamber logic is circular in the first place.


Mental Illness & Substance Abuse Also Cause Domestic Violence

The Duluth Model holds, essentially, manipulation control and power are the root causes for domestic abuse.  But other contributing factor of domestic violence, as anyone who defends these cases on a regular basis will tell you, are anxiety, depression, and other mental illnesses such as psychosis.  Not far behind as contributing factors are substance abuse.

“Evidence Flipping”

Much of the problem with highly subjective echo chamber concepts such as the cycle of violence is the ability for the prosecution to take any evidence whatsoever and flip it into evidence of guilt.

Is buying your spouse flowers a confession?  This is what a prosecutor would argue is the “honeymoon” phase.  If this were true, though, then every florist needs to contact the police every time someone makes a purchase.

Is every instance of tension in a marriage evidence of “the tension building phase?”  If this were true, every marriage counselor would have the police on speed-dial.

Other Criticism of the “Duluth Model”

The Power and Control Wheel

The “Power and Control Wheel” is a similar diagram to the cycle of violence.  It differs in that it purports to describe the methods of power and manipulation the abuser uses to control the victim.

The criticism of the Power and Control wheel over-lap with the criticism of the Cycle of Violence.  It assumes the physical abuse in a relationship is unilateral.  It presumes guilt.  It, too, largely ignores mental illness and substance abuse as underlying factors – and proscribes power as the main motivator between an abuser and the abused.

The Countervailing Theory – Reciprocal Intimate Partner Violence

Reciprocal Intimate Partner Violence, also called mutual violence and/or symmetrical violence holds both intimate partners have been aggressors at times and both have been victims at times.  Again, this directly undercuts the Duluth Model which presumes the abuse to be unilateral or one-way.

Studies have shown “reciprocal” violence to be between 42% and 70% in relationships where there is domestic abuse.  In a 2007 study published in the American Journal of Public Health, concluded roughly half of abusive relationships fit this profile.  The same study shows it was actually women who were thought to be the aggressors 70% of the time, however men inflicted more physical harm to their partners.

If the Duluth Model is Wrong Half of the Time – Then So What?

It’s important because the prosecution can be very heavy handed in the way they attack a case with the Duluth Model.  It includes their potential misconceptions about the reality of the relationship of the couple which can skew and make the potential punishment not only unfair and inequitable – but also not assist the couple with the real underlying dysfunctional issues.

From a defense perspective – it also opens the door to defenses such as self defense and consent when we break the misconceptions the Duluth Model may inject.

*Jeremy Rosenthal is certified in criminal law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.  He is designated as a Texas Super Lawyer by Thomson Reuters.


Domestic Violence Charges – Blog 12:  The Consent Defense (i.e. Mutual Combat)

December 23, 2020

By McKinney Criminal Defense Lawyer Jeremy Rosenthal

(972) 369-0577

Dallas Cowboys at “The Star” in Frisco put on their pads and helmets on a daily basis, go out onto a football field, and routinely intentionally, knowingly or recklessly cause bodily injury to one another.

We all know that’s not assault because when you put the pads on – you’re agreeing to allow another person to inflict pain.  The contact is welcomed.

This is the law school example of the consent defense to assault and it’s my topic today for my continuing series about defending domestic abuse cases.

Police refer to this as “mutual combat” but legally there is no real term for this in Texas.  The law in Texas calls it consent.

The Legal Definition of “Consent”

Use of force against another person isn’t criminal if the other person “effectively consented” or the person reasonably believed the other has “effectively consented.”  The conduct involved must be limited to bodily injury because a person cannot consent, as a matter of law, to aggravated assault (serious bodily injury).

“Effective consent” is defined in the negative.  We know what it’s not… Consent isn’t effective by reason of youth, mental disease or defect or intoxication.  Consent also isn’t effective if it was induced by force, threat or fraud.

So a person can be acquitted of assault — including domestic violence assault — if the jury is instructed on “consent” and the state fails to show beyond a reasonable doubt (1) the complaining witness did not ‘effectively consent’ to the assault and (2) the assault did not cause or threaten to cause serious bodily injury.

How Could this Possibly Apply in a Family Assault Situation?

An example I’ve given to clients countless times is this:  ever see two people stand toe to toe either in a bar or the high school gym?  What are they communicating to one another?  The answer is  BRING IT ON.  If I physically get in another person’s face, stare them down, and dare them to throw a punch at me — my view is I’ve invited physical contact.

And remember – what legally makes domestic assault is the affirmative finding of family violence done by a judge after either a person has plead guilty or a jury has convicted them of assault.  So all the legal defenses to assault are available to a person regardless of gender or family status.

Also many intimate relationships are reciprocally violent.  That is some couples fight one another on a regular basis and both partners are regularly the aggressor, the victim, or it’s indistinguishable.

Given this backdrop – the bar or schoolyard scenario can happen in a living room too.  It’s dysfunctional to be sure… but some couples engage in mutual combat.

Words enough cannot legally trigger self defense.  But words combined with physical manifestations of agreed contact are enough to trigger consent.

*Jeremy Rosenthal is certified in criminal law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.  He is recognized as a Super Lawyer by Thomson Reuters.