Important Lessons from the Zimmerman Verdict and Interactive Poll

July 15, 2013
Did the jury get it right?

By Collin County Criminal Defense Lawyer Jeremy Rosenthal

(972) 369-0577

I’ll be honest.  I didn’t watch much of the trial — or the hoards of legal analysts who told us what to think.  So you won’t be getting red-hot opinions about how smart/stupid the jury was here.

I see merit in virtually every argument I’ve read online from friends and family in social media or even from editorials on TV or in the newspaper.  George Zimmerman may have gotten away with cold-blooded murder.  Then again maybe he was defending himself from an attacker.  I don’t know.  I wasn’t there.  I just know we did our best to figure it all out.

The strong reaction I see everywhere — going both directions — reminds me of simple truisms about why the framer’s of the constitution gave us the rights we have.

Humans are biased.  Others need protection from our biases because when we put our heads together in big numbers we can be very dangerous to people we aren’t interested in hearing from.

Don’t think so?  I guess advertising doesn’t work on you… it just works on me?

Our rights guaranteed by the framers of the Constitution are designed to combat our biases, prejudices, and knee-jerk reactions we would naturally have in protecting our families and communities in favor of protecting individuals.

The presumption of innocence holds jurors must presume an accused person as innocent as they would a neighbor or even the judge.

The accused has the right to remain silent because strapping someone in a chair and launching loaded questions at them is a tactic of 3rd world justice.

The burden of proof never shifts to the accused.  It’s impossible to prove you’re innocent of a traffic ticket when you think about it.  Especially if you’re dealing with a jury or judge whose default is to trust the policeman who wrote you the citation.

But here’s where the rubber meets the road — these rights are hollow unless we understand why we have them and they’re hollow if we only give them lip service.

The aftermath of this verdict has been ugly arguments and protest.  Anytime we debate our system of justice, though, it’s a healthy exercise as long as it leads to greater understanding instead of disillusionment.

*Jeremy Rosenthal is Board Certified in Criminal Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization and licensed by the Supreme Court of Texas. Nothing in this article is intended to be legal advice.  For legal advice about this situation or any other, you should contact an attorney directly



Do I need an Attorney for a Theft Case in Texas?

February 10, 2010

By Collin County Criminal Defense Lawyer Jeremy Rosenthal

(972) 369-0577

Yes, even if they’re accusing you of taking a penny.

Being convicted or even getting deferred adjudication on a theft case is bad news in Texas.  There are countless unseen consequences.

It is one of a handful of charges that the stigma attached to your criminal record in practically every case is worse than any punishment if you are convicted or get deferred.

Not only that, but the judicial system and many governmental agencies consider theft to be a “crime of moral terptitude.”  This can cause wide ranging problems from immigration consequences to professional licensing denial or suspension such as being a doctor, lawyer, or any other job that requires a license such as nursing or being a real estate agent.

Explaining a theft away on your criminal record is a hard thing to do whether it was a pack of chewing gum or gold bullion they accused you of taking.  Think of the disadvantage you’ll have 15 years from now in applying for a job handling money when your competition won’t spend 5 minutes of the interview talking about a previous theft charge — but you will!

The worst mistake you can make if you have been charged with theft is to blow it off because perhaps you don’t think you can win, or it was a prank, or someone else really did it and you just happened to be there and you think you can explain it away later.

In Collin County, Texas, where I practice, I have seen juries be tremendously compassionate to persons accused of theft and acquit them.  The State must prove their case beyond all reasonable doubt and a good lawyer will demand the jury acquit you if the State can’t meet their burden regardless of what happened.  Theft charges must typically be aggressively defended. Even if the case is very difficult, there may be other options to lessen the blow but those are legally complex.  A theft charge is no time to learn how to be a lawyer on your own!

*Jeremy Rosenthal is Board Certified in Criminal Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization and licensed by the Supreme Court of Texas. Nothing in this article is intended to be specific legal advice.  For legal advice, consult an attorney.